Trademark, Patents & Copyrights

Violations & Infringements of Trademark, Patents & Copyrights is rampant across India. Everyday, millions are lost to due to counterfeit products that incorporate unauthorized use of trademark, patents and copyright etc

To combat these infringements, Delhi Detectives provide the following investigative support services for clients across top metropolitan cities of India:

Detection – Establishing the existence of the counterfeit.
Many counterfeit products go undetected because they are so similar to the authentic and manufactures are unaware of the problem. Sometimes even retailers may not realize they are selling bogus products. Many manufacturers fear that a detected counterfeit, once publicized, will hurt their reputation and sales.

Identification – Determining the source of production and channels of distribution.
This entails a full-fledged investigation, often on a nation wide basis into all the known or suspected activities of counterfeiter and their agents to identify the geographic location, the manufacturer, the owner and distributor. This phase must be carefully executed not only because counterfeits are often so difficult to trace to their source but also solid evidence must be obtained for legal or enforcement measures to be effective.

Duplicate product impounding through Raids
We can help you with assistance of police to conduct raids nationwide and impound / destroy duplicate products.

Curtailment – Helping to stop the production and sale of counterfeits
Delhi Detectives has excelled in supporting attorneys in preparing criminal and civil litigations for such cases. This experience is invaluable in helping in-house or outside legal counsels to pursue action against all types of counterfeits. Delhi Detectives can also identify and alert appropriate local enforcement authorities when requested by clients. We provide total legal and manpower support in all aspects of the investigations.

To know more about our Trademark, Patents & Copyrights Investigation services in Delhi, or request a free no-obligation quote, please contact us via the Contact Us page